A1Com Day-Trading Investment Funds

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VIP daytrading portfolio fund (participation only by invitation)

- 2-10% profit per month - safe trading
- best conservative Gold signal
- this system is traded by Michi Bauer's AI supported High-Frequency XAU Bliss AR fully automated trading robot

Contact system trader Michi Bauer to get approved for connection: Telegram @MichiBx

Signals Info (performance details and charts) you will find on the end of this page!

Strategy Info

This is a high-frequent trading strategy on Gold. The trades are executed by the EA "XAU Bliss AR", developed by our own team. This trading bot, based on artificial recapturing of real tick-based trading history and real-time market calculations, is very efficient in predictions on short-time market movements. Lot-sizing and TP distances are recalculated every millisecond and adapted accordingly. This EA takes advantages of the high volatility of gold and is very profitable while the risk is still moderate.

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Signal Copy Information

You will need a minimum of $10,000 to invest in this strategy (equals 1 Mio USCent), to be connected safely. Your balance will be allocated as a percentage to the total balance of this trading systems. For connection requests please contact the leader of this strategy Michi Bauer.

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Available Signals

Growth: 26.91%